Ghost Blogging: iA Writer vs Ulysses

What Ulysses can do, that iA Writer does not?
Ghost Blogging: iA Writer vs Ulysses

It is no secret that my blogging platform of choice is Ghost.

For the past two years, I have been using Ulysses for all my writing needs but lately, Ulysses is predominately used for MereCivilian.

However, each year, I seek non-subscription based alternatives. I am finding that my list of subscriptions is forever growing. Therefore, I go through exercises like this where I scrutinize and evaluate my subscription apps. Today, its Ulysses’s turn.

Spoiler Alert, I couldn’t find an alternative and as such renewed my subscription for another year. The closest alternative is iA Writer.

What Ulysses can do, that iA Writer does not?

  • Drag and drop images: it has become muscle memory for me to drag images from the Photos app to Ulysses. iA Writer does not support this.
  • Publish on MereCivilian Blog: iA Writer uploads the article as draft. There are no other options. Meanwhile Ulysses provides:
      – Title
      – Schedule post
      – Post image
      – Post URL
      – Add Tags: retrieves all existing tags from website
      – Except:
      – Action: open Ghost or do nothing

  The following image shows what Ulysses does:

Ulysses publish screen
  • Handling Hyperlinks: As evident by the two images below, iA Writer shows the actual links while Ulysses hides it. Visually, I prefer Ulysses in this regard as it keeps my writing clean. iA Writer, ironically feels cluttered.

I accept the above may not be deal breakers for some but each time, I switch to iA Writer, I miss these specific features. These are first world problems because, had I not used Ulysses previously, iA Writer would perfectly suit my needs.

Perhaps, next year there may be an alternative. Until then, I gladly pay for Ulysses and as such, has earned my subscription.

Hold on... there’s more